Independent Building Expert
Fortbildung: Erkennen, Sanieren Vermeiden von Schimmelpilzen in Innenräumen
   Expertise and Advisory Services for Home Buyers
  Market surveys show that Germans put about the same amount of thought and effort into buying a new home as they do when buying a used car!
Incredible as it may seem, only a handful of home buyers call in the help of an expert, preferring to trust their "gut instinct" when signing the contract. Yet a great deal of the hidden damage in a building needs an expert eye to detect it.
Buying a new house of apartment involves a considerable financial outlay and involves the buyer in commitments that take more than just a few years to pay off, as is the case with a car. Mortgage repayments are a heavy burden that stretch over decades and the risks of regretting making a bad purchase are high.
  Yet the cost of a reasonable consultation fee gives you security and peace of mind about whether to buy or not. You don't have to buy a pig in a poke! And detected building damage gives you arguments for lowering the asking price!

Joint inspection of property incl. in-depth analysis and consultation for the set price of

Please notice; The offer has ended
Experts recommend that you call in expert advice and have the property surveyed for hidden structural damage before you buy it!
  Our Service Package:
  The expertise can be provided at short notice - generally within a few days.

  The time for the joint property survey within Berlin is set at a maximum of 4 hours including travel time to and from

  the property - a formula we have found to be to everyone's satisfaction.
- Comprehensive Property Survey: identification and assessment of damage and defects in the whole property
  from the basement to the roof, including survey of sanitary facilities and heating installations.
- When required capture of the space climate data (temperature in component surfaces, humidity measurements in
  critical areas) with suitable professional measuring instruments (GANN, TROTEC etc.), as well as
- if requested a diagnosis by means of
Thermographic Surveying (surcharge, rates on request) and afterwards
  A quiet consultation (e.g. in a near-by cafe) covers evaluation of the property condition and answering your questions

  to help you in your decision-making. The business part rounds the appointment off - signing the Independent Expert
and presentation of the invoice.

  Infrarotthermometer (Pyrometer): zur Messung der Wandoberflächentemperatur
Feuchtemessung (z.B. Kellerwände)
Thermohygrometer mit externer Sonde: misst die Temperatur und  die relative Luftfeuchte zur Vermeidung von Schimmelpilzbefall
Infrarotkamera: zum Aufspüren von Wärmebrücken - Extraleistung mit Aufpreis!

Please note:
This Special Offer includes surveys for all kinds of housing, from period and new buildings to pre-cast concrete structures and solid masonry constructions as well as loft conversions and apartments. Surveys of apartments also include a survey of the whole building as far as it is accessible.
We usually find that a briefing of the survey is sufficient to help clients come to their final decision, but we do encourage clients to make notes of what the surveyor remarks and will give you a checklist to help you.
Once the property has been acquired, I can offer you my services as an architect Architekturbüro for oversight of any building measures that might be needed or I can recommend you a good firm of builders. In the follow-up period too I will be glad to answer any questions you may have.
To process your order, I need you email or fax me the following details:
  Your invoice address incl. telephone number,
  The address of the property, and date and time of the survey
  A short description of the property (type of building, size, construction year, number of residential units etc.)
  The services you require
  If I can't be reached on the phone, please send me your details and the time you would like to arrange for your survey by fax (+49 (0)30-88 62 93 87) or E-Mail. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

  Clear answers to the questions like the following could also assist you in your decision-making:
  How much does changing the layout or a conversion or modernisation cost?
  What comes cheaper - refurbishment or building a new home?

  Is the attic suitable for a loft conversion?

  Additional Services (based on an hourly rate of € 80,00):
  Digital photos on CD-ROM ( € 2 per photo)
  Detailed written inspection report

  Cost accounting for planned refurbishment measures

  Technical drawings for appraisal of property etc.

  Building Diagnosis:
  Thermographic Services
Wir überprüfen Ihr Gebäude auf Wärmebrücken. Thermal bridges and other weak points in the house can be identified with the infrared camera.
  Rates for thermographic inspection and analysis on request


 Independent Expert's Contract - Invoice - Schedule of Fees for Independent Experts - (Specimen) 
As an Assessor I am bound by the ethical code of my profession to deliver reports that are independent, neutral, unprejudiced and compiled to the very best of my ability.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with me! I will be delighted to meet your needs and requirements!
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last updated: 05.07.2015